Wednesday, December 16, 2009


i choice Mount Everst Climb. These photos represent the tone of the exitement and overwhemlbed happiness after the climbers made it to the top of the mountain. And even though they struggled and fought, they made it to the mountain top! they struggled, but had a great deal of empowerment after finishing their goal.

Monday, December 14, 2009

My Bedroom, & what a Stranger would think!

My bedroom is downstairs. Its pretty spaced out. I have a King sized bed. I have 'racing' everything in my room. A lot of my friends think it's pretty cool, and mostly tom-boyish. I have tons of clothes neatly where they're supposed to be. My room honestly never really is messy.
But if a stranger walked into my room and would give their personal oppinion, I think they's say, 'this room is pretty sweet, especially for a girls room!' :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Inspiration

My personal inspiration, would half to be my brother. Drew Donald Drury. He joined the Marine Corps last year 2008. He has went through so much over the past year. Not to mention going through boot Camp was hell for him. I've always looked up to him, but now that he's even more of inspiration on me, he's more like my hero. My family and all his friends give him credit for doing one of the most dangerous things a young man could do. We miss him so much, and love him so much. Can't wait for him to come home this Christmas hopefully, so we get time to spend together.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Spider or the Wasp?

Would you rather spend time studying the spider or the wasp? What is it about the species that intrigues you?

I would ratehr want to study the spider, because most humans are creeped out by their large hair bodies, and legs. There are hundreds of differnet kinds of species of tarantulas. So many people don't know which is most harmful. And from my personal experience with spiders, they don't creep me out at all. I find spiders mostly helpful, they eat mosquitoes, and more harful insects.